The world changes.
Do I remain the same?
Am I strong?
Carry on?
Act like nothing could go wrong?
The world changes.
The world changes.
Do I change with it?
Should I always go,
With every ebb and flow?
Do I forget myself...stoop so low?
The world changes.
The world changes.
I should adapt.
Don't change too fast.
But don't live in the past.
Not all is meant to last.
The world changes.
The world changes.
I must stay the same.
If alone I must stand
I remain who I am
I am part of His plan.
He never changes.
The Wonderings and Wanderings of a Restless Soul
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About Me

- Rogue Gypsy
- My name is Emma Jones. I spent 11 years as a Missionary Kid in Abengourou, Ivory Coast, West Africa and now live in the small, none-too exciting town of Rolla, Missouri. I'm an odd-ball. I see the world differently than others. I feel the need to see the world and change the world. I am a writer, a photographer and a traveler. So here is an insight into my writing, my photography and my travels....Mine is a restless soul.
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